Access private remo_description repository
ROS URDF description package of REMO robot (Research Education Mobile/Modular robot) a highly modifiable and extendable mobile robot based on Nvidia's Jetbot. This repository contains the stl files to 3D print Remo robot.
As a subscriber you will get access to the private repository on GitHub: ros-mobile-robots/remo_description: ROS URDF description package of REMO robot (Research Education Mobile/Modular robot)
This is a ROS package which should be cloned in a catkin workspace. To use remo_description
inside a Gazebo simulation or on a real 3D printed Remo robot, you can directly make use of the ROS packages in the ros-mobile-robots/diffbot repository. Most of the launch files you find in the diffbot
repository accept a model
argument. Just append model:=remo
to the end of a roslaunch
command to make use of this remo_description
For assembly instructions please watch the video below:
Git LFS and Bandwith Quota
Due to bandwidth limitations with hosting the large 3D mesh files on a public platform, this repository has been made private. As a subscriber, you will get time-limited access to the private ros-mobile-robots/remo_description GitHub repository, where you can download the necessary files to 3D print the REMO robot.
This one-time purchase gives you 1 month of access to the private repository. The files include the complete URDF description and 3D printable STL meshes for the REMO robot chassis, covers, and other components.
Your purchase helps fund the development and design of this robot as well as buy more storage/bandwith quota for the ros-mobile-robots organization.
You will get access to the private GitHub repository containing the complete URDF description and 3D printable STL files for the REMO robot.